Max Tenschert

Max Tenschert

BR24 mehrsprachig

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    10 Beiträge
    While Russia is attacking Ukraine, countless photos and videos are spreading on social networks.

      Ukraine war: How to classify sources and images correctly

      While Russia is attacking Ukraine, countless photos and videos are spreading on social networks. The #Faktenfuchs provides some advice on how to classify such material and answers questions on how to verify content.

      Since December, children between the ages of five and eleven may also be vaccinated against Covid-19.

        #Faktenfuchs: Claims about childhood vaccination fact-checked

        Since December, children between the ages of five and eleven may also be vaccinated against Covid-19. The #Faktenfuchs has reviewed the most common claims and questions about vaccination for the little ones.

        All over the world, people are poisoning themselves with the anti-parasite drug ivermectin.

          Ivermectin is currently not a drug against Covid-19

          All over the world, people are poisoning themselves with the anti-parasite drug ivermectin. They hope the active ingredient will protect them from and cure them of Covid-19. But science does not even know yet whether ivermectin works. A #Faktenfuchs.

          The several-hour outage of Facebook and the like in early October was grist to the mill of conspiracy theorists.

            Conspiracy believers and the longing for the "end of the world”

            The several-hour outage of Facebook and the like in early October was grist to the mill of conspiracy theorists: many saw it as a sign of the alleged imminent end of the world. But what is behind this belief? A #Faktenfuchs.

            In 2021, fake news and conspiracy theories are spreading particularly rapidly - especially about the pandemic and the federal election.

              How do I talk to people who believe in conspiracy theories?

              In 2021, fake news and conspiracy theories are spreading particularly rapidly - especially about the pandemic, but also about the federal election. What to do if a family member or friend believes them? Twelve tips from the #Faktenfuchs.

              On the internet, the claim is spreading that the Delta variant is more harmless than other corona variants.

                Delta variant not more dangerous for vaccinated people

                On the internet, the claim is spreading that the Delta variant is more harmless than other corona variants, but more dangerous for vaccinated than for unvaccinated people. Figures from the English health authority PHE serve as proof. A #Faktenfuchs.

                Vaccinations have increased miscarriages by 400 per cent, according to users on social networks.

                  Corona vaccination does not lead to more miscarriages

                  Vaccinations have increased miscarriages by 400 per cent, according to users on social networks. But the figures are spread by a well-known disinformation website and are taken out of context. A #Faktenfuchs fact check.

                  There is a rumour circulating on the internet that the vaccination against the coronavirus could make women infertile.

                    No evidence of infertility caused by corona vaccination

                    There is a rumour circulating on the internet that the vaccination against the coronavirus could make women infertile. A #Faktenfuchs fact check on why various experts think this is very unlikely.

                    Questions in connection with the corona vaccination can often be found in social networks.

                      #Faktenfuchs: Can the mRNA vaccine change my DNA?

                      Such questions in connection with the corona vaccination can often be found in social networks. But the worries associated with them are unfounded. A fact check by BR24-#Faktenfuchs.

                      Rumours are already being spread around the federal election. The BR24 #Faktenfuchs clarifies what is true about the most common allegations.

                        How attempts are already being made to harm the federal election

                        Populists tried to discredit democratic elections. This happened in the US elections, and all kinds of rumours are already circulating around the federal election. The #Faktenfuchs ("#Factfox") takes a closer look at them.