Tourists on the Marienbrücke near Neuschwanstein castle in bavaria
Bildrechte: dpa-Bildfunk/Karl-Josef Hildenbrand

Neuschwanstein murder trial: 31-year-old american has been sentenced to life in prison


Life sentence for defendant in Neuschwanstein murder trial

Life sentence for defendant in Neuschwanstein murder trial

A 31-year-old American has been sentenced to life in prison by a court in Kempten in Bavaria. The judges also noted the very serious nature of the crimes near Neuschwanstein Castle. He cannot apply for parole after 15 years of imprisonment.

Über dieses Thema berichtet: Mittags in Schwaben am .

The American was found guilty to have raped and murdered a 21-year-old woman near the castle in June 2023 and to have attempted to murder a 22-year-old woman. He was also found fully culpable.

The defendant did not show any visible reaction when the verdict was read. His gaze was fixed to the floor. The verdict is not yet final; an appeal can be filed within a week.

Brutal and Cold-Blooded Act

The judge emphasized how the man was willing to go to extreme lengths and how he had behaved utterly ruthless. Anyone could have become his victim. It was purely coincidence that the 31-year-old crossed paths with the two women, fellow Americans. According to the judge, the sexual motive was clear from the start. The 21-year-old murder victim was unaware and defenseless. The man was physically superior and therefore overpowered both women.

The 22-year-old, who survived the attack, was someone he wanted to get rid of. So he pushed her into the ravine, willfully accepting that her fall could be fatal. "The only thing he cared about was getting rid of her as quickly and efficiently as possible," the judge said when announcing the verdict. The survivor is going to be struggling with the repercussions of the attack for a long time.

Two components of murder

According to the court, the American tourist had attacked the 21-year-old woman near Marienbrücke at Neuschwanstein Castle on June 14 last year, choking her. When her 22-year-old friend tried to intervene, he pushed her over a cliff into the Pöllat ravine. She fell about 50 meters (165 feet). He then strangled the 21-year-old student until she lost consciousness, raped her, and threw her into the ravine as well. They were rescued, but the younger woman died a few hours later in a hospital. Her friend survived but suffered multiple lacerations, abrasions, and bruises.

The judge reiterated the numerous injuries suffered by the 21-year-old and described the rape in his reasoning for the verdict. The act was incredibly brutal and cold-blooded. After pushing the 21-year-old into the ravine, the man had gone on with his day seemingly unshaken. His arrest had been purely coincidental.

The court found that the case met two components of murder: malice aforethought and the deed being sexually motivated.

Father of dead victim in the courtroom

When the father of the murdered 21-year-old entered the courtroom shortly before the verdict, there was a brief moment of silence. The entire trial was simultaneously translated into English for him. He listened attentively and appeared composed when the verdict was read but broke down in tears when the judge discussed the rape and murder of his daughter.

Defendant shows no reaction

As on previous trial-days the defendant hid his face behind a red folder as he entered the courtroom. When the judge announced the verdict, the man showed no visible reaction, staring at the floor. He had done so throughout most of the trial, except for two occasions: when a letter from the surviving victim was read and when photos from the day of the crime and a video of the act were shown. Both times, he broke down in tears.

Defense announces appeal

The defense attorney, Alexander Stevens, announced that he’s considering to file an appeal on behalf of his client, depending on the written verdict. Pending the decision about the appeal, the verdict is not yet final. The 31-year-old American remains in custody.